Art for Franklinton & Urban Scrawl
Every summer artists brave the summer heat, pop up thunder-monsoons & anxious crowds for a chance to have their work and craft viewed publicly. I've been one of the fortunate artists selected for the Urban Scrawl event held at 400 West Rich. 2017 was my third year as a selected artist, and I'm always learning something new whether it's my setup -- the techniques I use, or time management.
As an artist you hear all kind of commentary behind you -- Some good... some....even not so good, but there's nothing more refreshing than meeting people from all walks of life and hearing what they have to say about your piece. There's also the environment of pumping music, which makes my sunburned arms work just a little bit more faster than normal and the life changing experience of an ice cold bottle of water in the midst of Ohio's humid and demanding summer.
I'm reminded of the phrase "Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet." -- Mostly in part of my instant gratification mentality of wanting to complete everything and quickly. I'm also reminded of the "Don't judge a book by it's cover" phrase, but in my case, "Don't judge a painting by it's preliminary line work" -- In the end -- Those who focus and drown out the chaos tend to be the ones who exude a gem of a piece.
In 2017 I completed "Bus Stop" a piece geared around community. I'm a firm believer in community and strength of community, so when I complete my street scenes-- they are my favorites. They circulate energy, life(even from skeletons), emotion and a feeling of 'we're all in this together'. While many friends have joked with me that I tend to do too much in my pieces for the 2 days of time.... I look at it as a duty to my city and my community as an artist.
I'm very pleased to announce that "Bus Stop" was selected as a silent auction piece for "Art for Frankinton" A benefit for the George Bellows Grant. I hope you will consider coming and purchasing our larger than life pieces to help benefit Columbus' new growing arts district.
You can purchase tickets to the event that will be held at the Idea Foundry in May at: